The section seemed particularly interesting to me is the Technology and Young children. Our school has been trying to find a better way to support our students to learn through technology and now we are all switching from PC to apple devices like ipads and macbooks.
From the section, there are two great article and webcast focusing on this topic - " Technology and Interactive Media as Tools in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth through Age 8" and "Pre-recorded Webcast: Technology and Interactive Media as Tools in Early Childhood Programs". Both publications state pros and cons about using technology with young children. Since I teach 2-3 years old children, I always have uncertainties about using technology with my students as lots of researches have shown negative effects on children's development if too much technology have been used. For example, if children look at the computer screen for too long and watch too many moving pictures/cartoons, it will have damage on their eyes as well as may have negative outcomes such as irregular sleep pattern and/or behavioral issues (NAEYC).
However, technology also has its amazing aspects in turns of teaching. Teachers use it as a tool to maximize children's learning abilities and provide children with individualized learning experiences to support developmental appropriate practice. I think it depends on educators how to use technology as a tool to support learning. More importantly, as early childhood educators, we need to be equipped with all these educational knowledge and skills about technology before we can best support children's learning using the technology.
Through school's presentations about using ipad as the teaching tool, I have been amazed by the technology we can use with young children and the ways to motivate and maximize children's learning. Everything has two sides, and we need to be very careful in minimizing negative outcomes about technology for children yet maximizing their learning abilities.
Through school's presentations about using ipad as the teaching tool, I have been amazed by the technology we can use with young children and the ways to motivate and maximize children's learning. Everything has two sides, and we need to be very careful in minimizing negative outcomes about technology for children yet maximizing their learning abilities.
NAEYC technology section, retrived from