Saturday, December 8, 2012

Week 6 assignment

When thinking about adjourning stage of the team building, I remember the time that we had to say goodbye to the classmates as we took the early childhood diploma together. It was a very intensive program and all of us needed to study from 8am to 5pm on a daily basis. Through the year, we built strong relationship and we went through difficult situations, such as wanting to give up and making mistakes during practicum, but with the help and encouragement from each other, we kept working hard and passed all the hurdles. When it was the time to say goodbye, everyone was with tears and couldn't let go of each other's hands. The adjourning stage was hard because of the strong relationship we built. 

The adjourning stage is very important because we need to form new relationship with other people to learn new things, techniques, and tasks. We need the new relationship to make us stronger and more effective in different things. Through different teams, we learn new skills, so the adjourning stage is essential for us.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Week 5 blog post

When thinking about conflicts I have recently, I need to mention that I have disagreement with my boyfriend about education for our "future children". I was born in China and moved to Canada. I have experienced both education system and prefer the western education, but my boyfriend didn't think so, so we had a conflict. I remember what I learned from the course, so I remained a very positive attitude when discussing this issue with him. I first acknowledged him and agreed with him that he was right about wanting to have the whole family together. Then I went on expressing my thoughts about the differences in both education systems and explaining him any goods and bads about them. Then I offered a solution that he agreed upon it. The whole conversation was under a supportive communication climate and both of us kept calm and positive attitude to find out a win-win solution. That was a successful conflict resolution.