Saturday, June 15, 2013

Week 6 blog assignment

For this week's assignment regarding international organizations, I would choose United Children's Fund (UNICEF), Save the Children, and United Nations Educational Scientific Cultural Organization (UNESCO). I have known UNICEF for a long time and I pay close attention to the website to find out what are happening to children around the world. UNICEF updates information and responds to situations and disasters very quickly, so that children who are affected can get support as fast as possible. The next international organization is Save the Children. This organization strives to help children to improve their lives by providing enough food, needed education and literacy, and medical care. It focuses not only the States but around the whole world. The third international organization I chose was UNESCO, which it works to support civilizations, cultures and peoples, and promote respect to each other. Civilization is an important part for children as well as recognizing cultures and differences.

I would like to work as an early childhood educator in various preschool settings to support children and teach them the necessary skills to become civilized. I would also like to be a trainer for other early childhood educators so that children can get the best support and education. I want to be an officer working in one of these organizations, to collect useful information and resources for children, families, and educators so that we can continue to meet the needs for different groups. 

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