Sunday, June 17, 2012

Getting to know my international contacts part III

As I talked with my Israeli colleague Naama, she believed that quality program is very crucial for children’s development and learning. Children learn through play, and they also learn through imitating their closed adults. Besides spending time with their family members, children spend most of their daytime with their teachers at school. As a result, high-quality teachers are very important to high-quality programs (Personal conversation, 2012). The indicators for quality teachers are experience and education. Experience can help teachers shape their teaching styles and it helps teachers learn things that schools don’t cover. It’s all about practical knowledge so with lots of experience, teachers gain valuable information to support children’s learning (Personal conversation, 2012). Of course education is also very important in turns of theoretical knowledge. A high-quality teacher should have both the practical and the theoretical knowledge so that children can benefit the most from them. For professional development opportunities, Naama attends workshops about early childhood education at least once a year to keep her knowledge up to date. She enjoys learning with children as well.

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